Friday, May 21, 2010

3 weeks in the US

I have been home in the US now for 3 weeks. It has been a whirlwind so far but I think things are finally about to calm down.

Things I done:
- gotten a job (waitressing)
- purchased a car (2000 Nissan Altima)
- applied for Phoenix to start pre-school
- visited Gigi's Playhouse Down Syndrome Awareness Center 3 times
- driven to Minnesota and back
- been to McDonald's Playland more times than I'd like to admit
- visited Wal-mart almost on a daily basis
- gotten a hair cut
- bought bunk beds
- basked in sunny 80F/26C temperatures
- received lots of advice from my parents in all areas of my life
- given lots of advice to my parents in all areas of their life

Things I have not done yet:
- unpacked
- applied for teaching jobs because there aren't any!!!!!!!! (ok, there are some but not where I want them...I will apply for those though!)
- applied for Ben's green card
- gotten a cellphone
- been to a Cubs game
- eaten deep dish pizza
- seen enough of my friends :(
- kept in touch with the friends I left behind :(
- renamed my blog