Our super star riding high on Luke's shoulders.
A portion of TEAM PHOENIX.
I didn't start out being so appreciative. We did not know Phoenix had Down syndrome until he was born. I handled it very well, thanks to loving support from hospital staff, friends and family, but I was not eager to be part of the "parent-to-a-child-with-Down-syndrome club" nor was I going to act like best friends with strangers just because we both happened to have a child with DS. LOL! How I feared the unknown! And how my attitude has changed! I accredit that largely to Gigi's Playhouse.
This past Sunday, as I pulled into the packed parking lot where the 7th annual Gigi's Playhouse Down Syndrome Awareness Run/Walk was being held, tears filled my eyes. I AM SO GLAD TO BE PART OF THIS CLUB! That phrase was repeated in my thoughts all day. I was so thankful to be sore from running and walking for this cause, to be drained from socializing with so many inspiring people and to be worn-out from everyday life with a child with Down syndrome, yet replenished and excited for next year's event. No, I didn't ask to be part of this club, but it is so much better than I could ever have imagined.